Specialty Water Filters

Kinetico whole house water filters guard against troublesome elements, like iron and chlorine, as well as suspended solids that can make water appear dirty or cloudy.

The first step in finding the system that’s right for your home is getting a free water analysis.

Twin Tank Filter

Twin Tank

The Kinetico Twin Tank Filters are non-electric, twin tank, demand driven filtration using reverse flush out, that allows for clean water back flushing. Medias can be customized to specific needs of the customer. From extreme red water iron to balancing the Ph, or removing chemical taste and odors. If you’re looking for amazing filtration, look no further than Kinetico. (10 year limited parts warranty)

Powerline Filtration

Powerline Filter

If you’re looking for good filtration with a lower cost, the single tank electric series offers great results at a great value. The media in the tank can vary for different applications, depending on the need of the customer. (5 year limited warranty)



Get whole house dechlorination in a convenient package that can upgrade virtually any water softener. The activated carbon adsorbs objectionable tastes and odors from chlorinated water. Dechlorination reduces deterioration of rubber seals in fixtures and appliances and eliminates drying of hair and skin due to chlorine.